If you have been following along with my posts you will have noted a long list of the errors of the Jesus Project. In this post I will revisit some of those and point out some others. Certainly, the staff of the Presbyterian Community Church of the Rockies are aware of these problems. So, you may ask, why would they invite the error laden Jesus Project to present the faith sapping results of their poor scholarship to the body of Christ in Estes Park? The only explanation possible is that they too share the same anti-Christ agenda of the Westar Institute. That brings me to the first of their mistakes: Agenda Drive Scholarship. As I pointed out in my first post, the founder of the Jesus Seminar started out with an explicit agenda to undermine orthodox Christianity. In fact, in 1998 Funk explained his vision for the future of the faith in a paper entitled The Coming Radical Reformation . Here is one of his assertions: “The resu...